Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thank You Very Much

After pounding the pavement in New York City for three weeks, I finally scored an interview. Not only an interview, but an interview for a internship with really cool company, that actually liked my work and wanted to meet me and let me work on projects.

I poured sweat the entire train ride to midtown. But the designer who interviewed me was really nice and did a good job pretending to care about my dumb college portfolio I was dutifully showing him, which was nice. He also said really good things about me to the hiring designer and encouraged her to contact me for a second interview. And I thought, what a nice guy. I'll send him a thank you email and he will think I am really nice and genuine and tell them to skip the internship and hire me, right then and there.

So I get all set up and copy/paste in this LAME thank you letter off the internet into my draft and write Dear... and then tab down to the next line and my hand slips and the next thing I know I'm looking at my inbox and the email is gone. And it's not in drafts. Nope. It was sent.

Another email opened. Please ignore the previous message. I am a complete fuck up and although I assured you I was competent with web design and internet concepts, I was, in fact lying. As you can see, I have difficulty navigating the gmail interface. Let your imagination run wild as you proceed to watch me struggle with XHTML code.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Let us never mention this again and upon my commencement of said job, I promise to avoid you at all office functions. Goodnight.