Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rachel Ray knows everything and I can prove it.

It was a lonely president's day Monday when I lay on my couch eating cheerios from the bag and watching daytime television. My weekend house-guests had left and I had not moved since they had hugged me goodbye in the hallway. I should also include that I had not showered or eaten anything other than cereal or coffee for the 6 post-hugging hours that ensued.

Picture me, the image of fitness and health, wasting my way through first Kelly and Regis, the View, part of Montel and finally the Rachel Ray Show.

She was doing a special in honor of the Westminster dog show (a stretch for even a dog lover like Rachel, but whatever) and the focus of the hour was dog grooming. Rachel showed us how to use "EVOO" as a hair treatment for your pooch to make their coat super shiny and get rid of dry doggie skin. I wish I could say I changed the channel, but let's face it, I watched the entire thing.

The next morning I was headed out the door to the gym when I noticed a patch of dry skin by my hairline. I tried to forget about it as I packed my bag but I could not stop glancing in the mirror or parting my hair on that side. I was getting slightly manic about it when the faint image of a shiny, prize winning dog flickered into my mind.

I grabbed a cheap paint brush and a dish from the kitchen a poured a dollop of EVOO on it. You can bet what came next.

I smelled like pizza all day and was beginning to doubt that what might work great for the golden retriever on T.V. might not have the same affect on a brunette from New York. I'll have you know I woke up this morning, doubts eliminated, with the shiniest, non frizzy hair I have ever had in my life. I am sorry I doubted you Rachel, you do in fact know everything.

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